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Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper.
Find an Rheem equivalent product to replace you existing product from another brand.
Whether you have a team of 2 or 200, our shared team inboxes keep everyone on the same page and in the loop.
Rheem 100
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Home Water HeatingWhat Conversations Are Happening in the Plumbers’ Exchange Facebook Group?

What Conversations Are Happening in the Plumbers’ Exchange Facebook Group?

August 5, 2021

Plumbers’ Exchange is a Facebook group designed for plumbers. It’s a place to share your latest install, discuss materials that you use and bounce ideas off each other about how to grow business. Join in the conversations on Plumbers’ Exchange.

Plumbers' Exchange conversation

Plumbers’ Exchange is a Facebook group designed for plumbers. It’s a place to share your latest install, discuss materials that you use and bounce ideas off each other about how to grow business. Join in the conversations on Plumbers’ Exchange. We’ll post discussion starters, but feel free to post your own in the group.

water heaterShow and Tell Is Fun

Plumbers like to share and discuss their Rheem® install photos in Plumbers’ Exchange. Jump in and share a picture of your latest and let the conversation begin. Get kudos for a job well done. It’s fun to share your work when you’re in the company of other plumbers.

Learning About What Other Plumbers Do

Sometimes you can feel like you’re living in a bubble and don’t have a chance to talk to other plumbers. It’s nice to find out what plumbers across the country are doing and connecting with them on Facebook is a great way to get a glimpse into their work.

Recently, we’ve asked questions such as: What’s the furthest you’ve traveled for a service call? Have you ever had to take out another appliance to install/replace a water heater? What is the tallest building you have installed or serviced plumbing in?

toolsTalk Shop in the Group

It’s great to talk to other plumbers who can appreciate a conversation about your preference on mechanical gas valves or self-powered valves and whether you like to use copper or Pex. Are you in the CSST camp or the black iron camp for gas lines? What’s your preferred method of anchoring to concrete – tapcons, vinyl anchors, etc.? Post something in the group if you have a question or want to get a conversation going.

How to Join

Click here to join. It’s that easy!

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