Talk Shop with Other Plumbers in Facebook Group Plumbers’ Exchange
December 10, 2021
It can be hard to find time to talk with other plumbers when you’re on job sites all day. Plumbers’ Exchange is a place you can go to talk to other plumbers when you have a spare minute. Only plumbers understand the “plumber life” so scroll and see what they’re talking about in the Facebook group. Think of it as a way to have lots of plumbers in the room to talk to.
It can be hard to find time to talk with other plumbers when you’re on job sites all day. Plumbers’ Exchange is a place you can go to talk to other plumbers when you have a spare minute. Only plumbers understand the “plumber life” so scroll and see what they’re talking about in the Facebook group. Think of it as a way to have lots of plumbers in the room to talk to.
Get in on the Conversations
We’ve had some interesting conversations in the group lately. Plumbers have talked about the oldest home or building they’ve done the plumbing for, their most interesting Thanksgiving and holiday plumbing calls, what advertising works for their company and what tools to use to switch from copper to Pex. Join the group, take a look and get in on the conversations.
Plumbers Learning from Plumbers
For a plumber who’s been working for years, it may be nice to talk to a plumber from across the country about what they encounter. For a plumber a little newer to the field, you may like the chance to learn from others in the group. It’s always interesting to talk about changing regulations or just share a photo of an install with plumbers who will appreciate a job well done.
Lots Ahead for 2022
As the group continues to grow, group members are making it their own. Join a conversation by adding a comment or post something and start a new conversation. The group is quite active. If you ask a question, you’ll likely start getting answers. There will be some exciting things happening in the group in 2022.
Join here. See you in there!
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