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Home Water HeatingPlumber’s Perspective: Jeff Ferry from Clyde Muse Plumbing

Plumber’s Perspective: Jeff Ferry from Clyde Muse Plumbing

December 14, 2021

Check out this video of Jeff Ferry, owner of Clyde Muse Plumbing, when he starred in our "In the Trenches" video series, and learn more about him in the Q & A.

Clyde Muse truck

Check out this video of Jeff Ferry, owner of Clyde Muse Plumbing, when he starred in our “In the Trenches” video series, and learn more about him in the Q & A.

Jeff FerryQ. What other types of things did you like to work on that inspired you to want to go into plumbing?
A. I got through high school and did what you’re supposed to do, went to college. I studied for an accounting degree. I got through one year with really good grades. I found that I wasn’t going to make it in an office. I needed to be out in the world tearing things apart and rebuilding and making things better for people. My brother and I started working for a plumbing company in town and worked there for 20+ years.

Q. What is a story of a time that you saved the day for a customer?
A. I had a customer/friend that lived on my street. They had two different plumbers in their house quoting several thousands of dollars to repair a leak in their plumbing drains. The plumbers informed my friend they would have to tear down a bunch of drywall and tear their house apart to fix this leak.

My friend called me, in a panic, to take a look. I walked into their house to the basement to see where the water was coming from. I then went upstairs to the powder room where the main drain was going up the wall. Within 30 seconds, I asked how long since this fancy mirror, above the sink, had been installed. A light bulb went off over my friend’s head. They said, “About as long as the leak has been happening.” I removed the mirror and cut a hole where it was secured to the wall to expose the issue. My friend screwed the mirror into the plumbing pipe.

The repair took about 30 minutes. My friend, with tears in her eyes, thanked me for saving them thousands of dollars. Job outcomes like this keep me going and get me through the tougher days of my job.

Jeff and his wifeQ. What made you decide to start your own plumbing company?
A. I moved to a house that needed to be renovated. My then new neighbor, Clyde Muse, started helping me with the renovations. About three or four weeks into the renovation, we talked enough to find out that we had both been plumbing for our whole lives.
A few months later his service guy retired, and I made the move to work for him. I started in October of 2015. My wife and I purchased the company on January 1, 2019.

It was something that I always thought I wanted but was always too scared to pull the trigger. Clyde did everything he could to set my wife and I up for success.

Q. What are your business goals over the next 5-10 years?
A. I’d like to continue to grow over the next 5-8 years and stay in the field until I’m 60. At that time, I’d step back and handle mostly office work and scheduling. I’d like to retire at 65-70. I’d like to pass the business on to one of my children.

Q. What’s your proudest plumbing moment?
A. There are many proud moments, but the best would have to be the purchase of CLYDE MUSE PLUMBING INC. This was a nerve-racking time also. When you become an owner, you take on the responsibility for other peoples’ livelihoods.

Q. What do you like to do in your spare time?
A. We live at Buckeye Lake in Ohio. Lake life is awesome. It doesn’t matter if we’re on the water or at one of the local restaurants, it’s always fun and takes up a bunch of my time.

Q. What is your favorite thing about being a plumber?
A. Every day is different. You’re not stuck in an office. Every day, and every job, is a chance to make someone’s day better.

Q. How do you set up your truck?
A. I’ve used standard Ford Econovans my whole career. After we bought the company in 2019, we were able to buy a mid-height Ford Sprinter van. Instead of buying a pre-made metal shelving system, I designed a plywood shelving and storage system that fit what I needed. I used the truck for six months and took notes on what I would change.

I gave the mid-height van to my employee. We bought a second truck. This one was the high-top version. I fitted this one with a high false floor and more shelving. I was able to take advantage of Rheem’s truck wrap program to get this one fully wrapped.

Since the truck has been wrapped, I have somebody come up to the truck at least once a week and ask for business cards.

Jeff truck   Jeff truck

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